2000 REU Student Field Trip to Kitt Peak and Tucson
Trip Itinerary
0645, June 28 - leave Socorro
1100, June 28 - lunch in Lordsburg
1430, June 28 - tour of VLBA_KP antenna
1630, June 28 - dinner @ KP cafeteria
1700, June 28 - tour of optical telescopes (by Nigel Sharp)
1000, June 29 - tour of NRAO 12-m antenna
1430, June 29 - tour of NRAO-Tucson (by Jeff Mangum)
1600, June 29 - free time to explore Tucson/U of A
1900, June 29 - dinner at Caruso's Italian restaurant
0900, June 30 - breakfast, check out of hotel
1000, June 30 - tour of UA mirror lab
1200, June 30 - lunch at Eric's